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2021-04-02 10:23:31
Detailed introduction:

4) very easy to complete the infinite speed in the hydraulic transmission, adjust the total flow of the liquid can complete the infinite speed, and the range of the speed is very large, up to 2000:1, 40 tons of high speed punch is very easy to get very low speed.

5) It is easy to complete the overpressure protection. The hydraulic transmission system adopts many safety measures, which can automatically avoid the load and prevent safety accidents.

6) hydraulic components can be automatically wetting because the use of gear oil as the working material, so that the hydraulic transmission equipment can be automatically wetting, so the use of components is longer.

7) it is very easy to complete the complex posture using hydraulic transmission can get a variety of complex mechanical equipment posture, such as copying CNC lathe hydraulic machine imitation knife table, CNC machine tool hydraulic machine operating table, can produce and process irregular appearance of parts.

8) Simplify the use of hydraulic transmission can greatly simplify the mechanical system, thereby reducing the number of mechanical parts.

9) easy to complete the automatic hydraulic transmission system, liquid working pressure, total flow and orientation is very easy to operate, coupled with the mutual cooperation of automatic CNC high-speed punch electrical devices, very easy to complete the complex automatic work in the circulation system. At present, hydraulic transmission is widely used in special machine tools and automatic networks.

10) Easy to complete the "three" hydraulic components easy to complete the series of product comparison, standardization and integration. It is also easy to design solutions and organization expertise for mass production, which can improve production efficiency, improve product quality, and control costs.



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