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Describe the operation requirements and maintenance points of high speed precision punch press.

2020-12-29 21:36:20

High-speed fine punch is one of the necessary equipment, which is the key in industrial production. In the machinery and equipment manufacturing, high speed horizontal punch fine punch is in order to better greatly increase the scope of application, to a certain level to promote industrial production, improve work efficiency. With the development trend of high speed fine punch technology in China to perfect, high speed fine punch in every industry has suffered very common use.

Then the operation of CNC lathe regulations, selection factors and maintenance of the key points is how?

First, the operation of high speed fine punch

Because of the uniqueness of CNC lathe processing, CNC lathe processing workers are operating staff and program ape, and have some quality of junior and intermediate professional and technical personnel. Therefore, it is important for operators to understand the various processing requirements of the parts to be machined, such as machining paths, CNC blades, and the main parameters of geometric patterns, the main parameters of drilling, specifications and appearance and their shape tolerances. Only by understanding the processing technology provisions and properly dealing with difficult problems can we reduce one-sidedness and ensure the successful completion of all processing work.

Two, high speed fine punch purchase factors

If you want to buy CNC lathe equipment with excellent performance, you must consider from the user evaluation of the high precision punch manufacturer, and try to choose CNC lathe equipment from large enterprises. In general, we suggest that according to the visit to carry out the purchase, so that you can not only further grasp the performance of the CNC lathe, but also grasp the actual price, quality, store show the service items. Can help the store more vividly grasp the basic information of CNC lathe equipment.

Each type of CNC lathe equipment in the main parameters and mode of operation are different, but also have their own performance advantages and operating system software. When choosing the model specifications of CNC lathe high-speed punch manufacturers, we should try to integrate the specific production and manufacturing processing conditions of our fine parts and the basic operation and office environment standards.

