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2021-04-02 10:24:22
Detailed introduction:

1, the application of high speed automatic punch press load on the job not allowed beyond the class of punching machine, high-speed precision punch manufacturer long-term overload applications will cause the engine crankshaft, shell fatigue cracking, due to mechanical equipment, safety of life safety accident, the client company application heart burst pressure measuring product parts, suitable for mechanical equipment.

2. It is strictly prohibited to press two metal materials or more raw materials when the high speed automatic punch machine works.

3, the customer which high speed punch good special requirements for custom application of mechanical equipment foot immediate control organization is not safety provisions. When the button switch is used, it must be equipped with optical protection equipment, otherwise the safety accident will be borne by the customer.

4. When the slider continues to operate, it is not allowed to actually operate the feeding by hand. It must be equipped with automatic feeding equipment, otherwise the safety accident will be borne by the customer.

5. In the whole process of operation of the high speed automatic punch, it is forbidden to make all positions of the hand or the human body into the working area of the slider. If it must be in the working area of the slider, it must be carried out only when the automatic punch is disconnected from the switching power supply and all the fitness components are terminated.



Last: GPL-85T2020-12-31
Next: GPH-45T2021-04-02